Ken L. Williams, Jr., D.O.

District 3 (2024-2028​) 

Serving Brea, Foothill Ranch, Irvine, Orange, Villa Park, Portola Hills, Yorba Linda, portions of Anaheim, portions of Lake Forest, and portions of Tustin.

Biographical Information 

Ken is a primary care physician, educator, and university clinical professor serving the citizens of the Third Supervisorial district since 1996. As an advocate for  the tax–payer,  he supports Prop 13, and no new taxes. He promotes parental rights, charter schools and educational choice, greater personal responsibility, limited government, public safety and safe schools,

In 1996, the voters of the third supervisorial district elected Dr. Williams to his current publicly elected seat as a member of the Orange County Board of Education.  Ken is a strong advocate of vocational training and charter schools. high academic standards, educational accountability, and a "back to basics" and traditional approach to education.   

Dr. Ken Williams is a native of Orange County. He is a board-certified primary care physician practicing surgery in Irvine. He is on staff at St. Joseph Hospital, Hoag Hospital-Newport and Irvine, and past family practice department chairman at Children's Hospital of Orange County. He has been in private medical practice since 1986.

Dr. Williams has participated in numerous town hall meetings promoting personal healthcare responsibility.  In the debate on single payer healthcare, he publicly debated and opposed government control of our nation's medical healthcare system. He has appeared on radio and television programs defending the innocence of children from woke pedagogies and critical theories. he advances scientifically based sex education curriculums that decrease sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, and teenage pregnancies.

In public safety, Ken is a sworn law enforcement officer and sheriff reserve with the Orange County Sheriffs Department.  Ken's passion for public safety and protection of children and families from violence is his primary public policy effort as an elected trustee.  He strongly supports safe schools and anti-bullying education programs. 

Dr. Williams graduated from Estancia High School. He completed his premedical studies and obtained his B.A. degree from the University of California, Irvine. He earned his medical degree from the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, and completed his postgraduate surgical and medical and residency training at Pacific Hospital in Long Beach.

On a personal note, Dr. Williams strongly believes in our nation's founding fathers' vision of our country being the "city on the shining hill." He consistently promotes our nation's Constitution, the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, and the reliable standards of Judeo-Christian values as the reason for our nation's greatness. 

Ken is a product of a middle class, traditional, and conservative family whose parents immigrated to the United States from Canada and England.  He has four exceptional sons, Christopher, Craig, and Scotty, and  Kenny III. ​
